ArtifiShell Intelligence

Sorting strings in C with qsort


While working on one of the last exercises in Stroustrup’s Programming – Principles and Practice Using C++, I came across this little problem: assume you want to sort an array of C-style strings using qsort() from the C standard library (<cstdlib> in C++ or <stdlib.h> in C).

An array of C-style strings looks something like char* words[ARR_LEN], where ARR_LEN is the number of strings in your array. qsort is declared as follows:

void qsort(void* ptr, size_t count, size_t size,
           int (*comp)(const void*, const void*));

ptr points to your array, count is the number of elements in the array, size the size of an element and comp a comparison function that returns

Like strcmp, if you will.

My strings all have the same maximum length, WORD_LEN. Obviously, I try to call qsort like this:


where ctr is the number of strings in words, and I want to use strcmp as my comparison function. This compiles just fine, but after the call to qsort, things are less fine: “stack corrupted”. Hmmm.

I realize that the size of an element in my array is not the size of each individual string, but rather the size of a char*, because that’s what the array is: an array of char*, and not an array of actual strings. I change my call to


Still compiles without problems. Good. And doesn’t crash. Even better! However, the results are still not quite what I want. If I start with

char* words[ARR_LEN] = { "bb", "cc", "aa" };

and sort that, I get cc aa bb as the result.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the first person ever to try and sort C-strings with qsort, so I google. I come across this Stack Overflow question where somebody had a very similar problem. The problem is that the comp argument of qsort expects const void* arguments whereas strcmp expects const char*. The solution is to wrap the call to strcmp into a function that performs the proper casts, like so:

int cmpstr(const void* a, const void* b) {
    const char* aa = (const char*)a;
    const char* bb = (const char*)b;
    return strcmp(aa, bb);

This takes const void*, as required by qsort’s comp, and casts them to const char*, as required by strcmp. Neat. I call qsort with my new function:


Same result! Still no proper sorting.

A closer look at the mentioned Stack Overflow question explains why: the cmpstr function provided is not meant for an array of strings, char* words[], but for an array of arrays of characters, char words[][]. One less level of indirection!

An element of my array is a char*, and the const void* in cmpstr point to my elements, so what is actually being passed is a char**. The proper cast is thus *(const char**)a: this points to my string, instead of the pointer to it. The complete function looks like this:

int cmpstr(const void* a, const void* b)
    const char* aa = *(const char**)a;
    const char* bb = *(const char**)b;
    return strcmp(aa,bb);

and lo and behold, it works properly!

A more elegant solution can be found on the linux man page for qsort where the casts are in the call:

return strcmp(*(char* const*) p1, *(char* const*) p2);

“Cast p1 to a pointer to a constant pointer to a character and dereference that”. How come this wasn’t the first thing that sprung to my mind?